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低地苏格兰语是低地苏格兰人所使用的语言,属于一种日耳曼语族的语言。低地苏格兰语约略自12世纪开始发展,自16世纪初定型命名称呼至今。该语言 语法等用法与英语十分相似,因此有时候亦被称为英语的方言之一,事实上,很多人认为低地苏格兰语也是直接由英语衍化而成。 低地苏格兰语为五百万人口的苏格兰地区所常用语言之一,在该地亦是英语和盖尔语之外的官方语言 之一。

欢迎 Welcome
你好 Hello, Awrite!
Aye, aye, min (to a man) Aye, aye wifie (to a woman)


我很好, 谢谢. 您哪?

Hou ar ye? Hou's aw wi ye? Hou's it gaun?
Fit Like? Foo ur ye aye daein'?
A'm fine, an ye? A'm daein fine, an ye?
Nae bad ava, min. Yersel'?
很久没见了 Lang time nae see, Far hiv ye been, min?


Whit's yer name? Fit's yer name?
Ma name is ...


Whaur ar ye frae? Whaur ar ye fae?
A'm frae ...
很高兴见到你 Nice tae meit ye!
早上好 Guid mornin
下午好 Guid efternuin, Guid efterneen
晚上好 Guid eenin
晚安 Guid nicht
再见 Cheerio, Cheerio the nou, See ye efter
祝您好运 Guid Luck!
干杯/祝你健康 Guid Health! Cheers! Slainte!
Here's tae us, wha's like us? Damned few an' they're a' deid (classic Scottish toast)
祝你一路顺风 Ha a guid journay, Hae a guid rin
我不明白 A dinna unnerstan, A dinna ken! Eh?
请慢一点说好吗? Can ye spaek slowly?
请写下来好吗? Write it doun please! Screive it doun please! (archaic)

是的, 会一点
D'ye spaek Scots? Div ye spik Scots?
Aye, juist a wee, Aye, a bittie
.....用苏格兰语怎么说? Hou d'ye say ... in Scots? Foo d'ye say ... in Scots?
劳驾 Ho ye! Hey min!
这个多少钱? Hau much is this? Hou muckle is this? Foo muckle 's this?
对不起 Sairy! A'm sairy! Sorry!
Thenk ye
Ye're welcome! Think naethin!
厕所在哪里? Whaur's the toilet / lavvy / cludgie?
这位先生/女士付钱 This chiel/dame will pay for aa
你愿意和我跳舞吗? Will ye dance wi me?
我爱你 A love ye! A loue ye! (rare)
早日康复 Get weel soon!
让我安静一下! Lae me aloyn! Leave me alane!
快叫警察! Caw on the polis! Sen' furra polis! Ca' the Bobbies!
圣诞快乐,新年愉快 A Blythe Yule an a Guid Hogmanay
Merry Christmas an a Guid Hogmanay
生日快乐 Happy Birthday!
会一种语言是永远不够的 Ane leid is ne'er enough


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